Engineering Optimization
Special issue on
Multiobjective Metaheuristics for Multidisciplinary Engineering Applications [CfP]
Multiobjective optimization arises in many real-world engineering applications, in which several optimization criteria conflict with each other. Since no single solution can optimize all the objectives simultaneously, metaheuristics are designed to find a set of solutions that help engineers to choose the optimal trade-off according to their needs. Besides, solving real-world problems faces metaheuristic algorithms to additional challenging tasks, such as high computational requirements, hardly constrained, high dimensionality, etc. These challenges have to be addressed properly in order to provide this kind of problems with high quality solutions. Multiobjective optimization has therefore attracted growing attention and become one of the hottest research topics in the area of the metaheuristics.
This special issue of Engineering Optimization invites submissions that cover (but are not limited to):
- Novel uses of multiobjective metaheuristics in the fields of
- software engineering,
- telecommunications,
- bioinformatics,
- economics and finance,
- scheduling,
- cutting and packing,
- etc.
- Extensions of existing approaches to tackle engineering problems.
- Hybrid multiobjective optimization.
- Problems with increasing number of dimensions (large scale).
- Multiobjectivization: approaching single objective optimization problems with multiobjective metaheuristics.
- Rigorous comparisons across techniques.
- Real-world problems.
Important dates
Submission deadline: | 28th January, 2011 |
First round of reviews completed: | 15th April, 2011 |
Major revisions: | 3rd June, 2011 |
Minor revisions: | 8th July, 2011 |
Final acceptance: | 29th July, 2011 |
Expected publication date: | by the end of 2011 |
Information for authors
- http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/journal.asp?issn=0305-215x&linktype=44
(2009 Journal Citation Reports, Impact Factor: 0.966) - http://mstar.lcc.uma.es/geno
Online submission
- The manuscripts have to be submitted online at the Engineering Optimization Manuscript Central site (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/geno).
- New users should first create an account. Once logged on to the site, submissions should be made via the Author Centre.
- It is important that the authors make sure to answer “Yes” to the question regarding the special issue submission and clearly label the submission for the “Special Issue on Multiobjective Metaheuristics for Multidisciplinary Engineering Applications” in the text box provided. Authors are also asked to notify their submission by email to the Guest Editors.
Guest Editors
- Francisco Luna, University of Málaga, Spain (flv@lcc.uma.es)
- Pedro Isasi, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain (isasi@ia.uc3m.es)